Kashmir Youth Entrepreneurship Programme, 2022
E-Hub Kashmir is organising the Kashmir Youth Entrepreneurship Programme under the aegis of DataLEADS Foundation in collaboration with TiE, Bangalore.
The objective is to teach aspiring and upcoming entrepreneurs business design thinking and entrepreneurship fundamentals. We aim to create a space for exchanging ideas and building relationships between the people who want to start and run their businesses successfully.
Business mentors and speakers will be leaders from the industry who will share business strategies with the participants and help them develop, plan and put their ideas into practice.
Sessions are customized to suit the students' needs, such as training them to develop business ideas, creating a prototype, identifying key skills required to run a start-up, establishing liaisons with the industry experts, managing stakeholders and learning business communication strategy.
The programme will be run in four phases:
Phase I : Call to Register - April 01 - April 20, 2022
Candidates will be asked to fill out an application form available on the DataLEADS Foundation website.
Phase II : Knock Out Round - April 25 - May 05, 2022
Selected applicants will be asked to interview two business people. They could be a small entrepreneur, a shopkeeper in their neighbourhood, a roadside vendor, a bookshop, or any other businessperson they know or admire. Candidates must complete a form and submit it along with a proposal of how they plan to help their chosen entrepreneurs grow their business and revenue in the next three years. Participants whose ideas stand out will make it to the final 20 for the Boot Camp to be held in Srinagar.
Phase III : Boot Camp - May 27 - May 28, 2022
Selected candidates will be invited to the camp. They will be trained and mentored by local and international experts in sales, finance, marketing and team building. A tailored training programme like this would help participants launch or scale up their entrepreneurial endeavors. The selected candidates will also be invited to the Entrepreneurship Conference, which will take place on May 29, 2022.
Phase IV : Meet The Investors - June-July, 2022
The candidates will get an opportunity to pitch their respective business ideas to investors. Candidates will also be matched with curated mentors from DataLEADS Foundation and GAME Network to assist them in establishing their businesses and build their business plan through this period. Also, more than one candidate can work together and prepare a joint pitch.
The participants will get:
- A free-of-cost training to develop entrepreneurship skills
- Opportunity to kick-start or advance your business
- Exclusive membership to the network of E-Hub that will facilitate your career growth
- Opportunity to pitch your ideas directly to the investors
- A certificate upon completion of the training
People within the age group of 18 to 40 years and having a minimum qualification of 10+2 are eligible to apply.