Centre for Career Planning and Counselling (CCPC) of the University of Kashmir is starting its 39th IAS/KAS and 40th NEET/JEE coaching programmes from Monday, the 10th of January in collaboration with two reputed coaching academies of India. While coaching programme of IAS/KAS will be of 10 months duration and is being provided absolutely free of cost to top 50 meritorious students selected on the basis of their merit obtained in a written test conducted by the Directorate of Admissions and Competitive Examinations of the University, a nominal fee of Rs. 25000 only is being charged for the coaching programme of NEET/JEE whose duration will be for four months. Free coaching for IAS and KAS has been made possible by the financial assistance received from Central Wakf Council, New Delhi and the coaching for NEET/JEE will be self-financed by the aspirants.