A day-long mentoring workshop on “Studying Abroad” was conducted by the Centre for Career Planning and Counselling of KU on Monday in collaboration with Project Eduaccess team. During the day-long workshop interactive and hands-on sessions were held for college and university students on opportunities available for higher studies and fully funded scholarships abroad particularly in United Kingdom. Hands- on sessions were conducted wherein students were trained by mentors who have graudated from several UK-based reputed universities like Oxford, Cambridge, Durham and Notingham University in writing CVs, Personal Statements, Statements of Purpose, Research Proposals for Ph.D., finding scholarships, choosing research supervisors and other aspects of pursuing higher studies abroad.
During the inaugural session of the workshop, Dr. Nisar Ahmad Mir, Registrar of the University of Kashmir was the Chief Guest who expressed satisfaction about the response of students for the day-long workshop and the level of interest shown by the students in attending the same. He congratulated Director CCPC and Eduaccess team for organizing such a useful workshop for the benefit of students at absolutely zero costs to them and expressed hope that more such programmes will be conducted in future by the Centre for career guidance, counselling, placements and hand-holding of students. Dr. Mir assured full cooperation to the centre in all its endeavours and activities.
While welcoming the Chief Guest, guest speakers and students, Director CCPC, Prof. Geer M. Ishaq appreciated the philanthropic spirit with which Educaccess team members are working to guide the in pursuing higher studies both within and outside
India. He said that this is the third such workshop conducted by CCPC in collaboration with Eduaccess team and urged upon them to conduct more such workshops for different schools in future. Dr. Misbah Reshi of Eduaccess team also spoke at this occasion and said that
during the day-long workshop mentees will receive support and guidance for making applications in premier universities like that of the University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, University of London etc besides one-to-one mentorship support for
making scholarship applications and said that their mission is to extend all possible help in enhancing access to higher education and ensuring equal opportunities for all.Vote of thanks was for proposed by Dr. Javed Ahmad Dar, Coordinator, CCPC.