Counselling of students at Mallinson Girls School, Gogji Bagh, Srinagar on 09.06.2022

Counselling of students belonging to 8th to 12th standards of Mallinson Girls' School, Gogji Bagh, Srinagar was conducted in collaboration with Move Beyond, Start-up initiative of NIT, Srinagar on June 9, 2022. Director CCPC, Prof. Geer Mohammad Ishaq was invited as the Chief Guest who in his addressed emphasized upon the importance of setting and achieving goals in life by the students. He motivated and inspired the students upon striving hard to achieve their goals, avoid all sorts of distractions and negative thoughts and always remain focussed. He urged them to compete with themselves rather than others and try to make themselves their own better version each day. He stressed upon them to devise action plans and strategies for achieving their goals and work with full dedication, commitment and enthusiasm for their accomplishment. Prof. Geer also elaborated upon various opportunities for fully funded scholarships in top notch universities both within and outside India for bright and meritorious students and urged upon the students present to avail such opportunities.